Object properties (detailed)

Object properties (detailed)


< Object creation (parent,child ,types)


5 - The “Kind” of a property can be:

-          Simple property (used for the simple properties such as strings, enum, int etc.)

-          Key (usually used for the Id of the object)

-          Reference (used to point to a reference this object has)

-          Collection (used to point to a collection of children that this object has)

-          Parent (used to point to the parent of this collection)

-          OneToOne (…)

-          Computed Property (…)

The “Type” of a property can be either “Simple” or “Object”

-          Simple – used for properties with “Kind” as “key” or “simple property”

-          Object – used for the other kinds. When you select the object type, you must select the object you want to use as reference/parent/collection…


15 - The “Code Generation Mode” is usually used for references and can be:

-          Normal (usually selected for the simple properties and for the references of objects that are in the same module or in the shared module)

-          Interface (selected for the references of objects that are in other modules than the current)

-          ReadOnly-ReadWrite (selected for the references that are in the same module or in the shared module, but used when you want to modify some of the references properties)

-          Interface ReadOnly-ReadWrite (selected for the references of objects that are in other modules than the current, but used when you want to modify some of the references properties)

14 - The “Stereotype” field is usually used for decimal properties like this:

-          Numeric (used to make the property show a certain number of decimals)

-          Currency (used to make the property show the currency symbol and a certain number of decimals)

-          Or other, depending of the type of the property

11 -  The “Proposal Method” and “Setter Method” fields are used to choose the proposal and setter methods from the algorithm class created. This will be completed only if you have these algorithms implemented in an algorithm class.

13 - There is also the “Validation Rules” tab, which appears on the object and on the properties.

The validation rules are used to check if an object meets all of the conditions required before it is saved.

 > Validation rules for objects

BuildDate : 07 agosto 2018

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